
Recovery efforts begin shortly after a response.  These actions involve returning the KSU Campuses to a sense of normalcy.  This can include counseling the population, clearing debris from the emergency, or rebuilding the damaged area.  Recovery also involves reviewing the actions that were taken during the response phase to see what lessons can be learned and what best practices should be adopted as the mitigation and preparedness phases begin again.

After an emergency event has occurred, Kennesaw State must have the capability to conduct critical operations during an emergency and to resume other operations rapidly and efficiently once the immediate crisis has passed.  While the impact of an emergency cannot be predicted, planning for operating under such conditions can mitigate impacts on our people, our facilities, and our mission. 

  • The major document that is used in recovery is the Continuity of Operations Plan, or COOP.  The purpose of the COOP is to ensure continued operations of critical functions in the event of an emergency and to ensure a rapid response to any emergency situation requiring continuity plan implementation.  The COOP contains administrative and academic department plans that allow them, and their respective sub-departments, to define their critical assets and functions. 

    The Kennesaw State Office of Emergency Management is currently in the process of improving KSU’s COOP capabilities.  The KSU COOP will be built around the departmental plans to create an overarching, university-wide approach to continuity of operations during and after an emergency.

    Click here to access the Owl Ready COOP tool
